
Enter 1 if you are hungry; 0 if you are not
? 10
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The true branch was not skipped because the answer to the question


was true.

The user entered something other than what the program asked for. The user entered 10 for HUNGER, so the relational expression HUNGER > 0 was true, so the true branch was executed.

Asking the Right Question

Programs with decisions (or loops) in them are controlled by relational expressions. Relational expressions always give TRUE or FALSE, even for undexpedted data. The user did not follow the instructions, but the relational expression went ahead and used what was entered to get TRUE. Then the true branch was executed. This might not be what the user wanted; perhaps the user thought 10 should mean "thirsty." Computer programs have a hard time with unexpected data, like the 10.

The IF-THEN-END type of decision has only one branch, which is either skipped or not skipped. If there is a block of statements you want to skip sometimes and execute other times you put it in an IF-THEN-END stucture. Now you just have to be sure to ask the right question in the IF.

Say that you are at the Mall again, and have found a nice $44.95 sweater, but might not have enough money to buy it. (You spent too much on cookies.) Here is a program that decides if you can buy the sweater:

PRINT "How much money do you have"
IF ________________ THEN
  PRINT "Buy the Sweater"    ' true branch
PRINT "done"


What relational expression should be in the blank? (Assume that there is no sales tax.)